Wednesday, September 24, 2008

a dream within a dream

along one of the walks this week i stumbled upon an art store. and it happened to be THE Sennelier art store!
Sennelier is a French brand of paints and supplies made in Paris. they are of top quality professional grade. I have been utilizing their oil pastels and oil sticks for years (purchasing from an art store in Seattle).
so of course, i had to go in and purchase some paints straight away! to me, this is a priceless experience.
later i sat down at a corner cafe and had a coffee as i journaled and sketched and watched the people and traffic go by. and then i realized that i was doing what i had only dreamt of doing here in Paris. and then i i dreaming now?
if there is one thing i've learned of late, it's that you can do anything you set your mind to do. i want to encourage any of you who are dreaming of travel as you read my blog. if travel is your can do it (even in these dark & expensive economic times) is possible. don't be afraid to keep hold of the dream.

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